Writely Divide: carefully applying Biblical truth to the wild ride of life
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
I AM Faithful
If nothing else proves God’s faithfulness to me, Jesus’s death and resurrection that brings me into a personal relationship with the Lord ought to. That alone is enough. We are an undeserving people; yet, God desires a relationship with us.
I AM King
The kingship of God, of Jesus, is not something I can convince you of. Rather, it is something I want to declare to you. I want to pull back the lens for a moment and walk through a few stories from the Bible that reveal God’s sovereignty and challenge you to bow your life to his reign.
I AM Creator
I visited Niagara Falls, Canada, when I was just 18 years old. I was excited to see the waterfalls but was not prepared for what I experienced. Standing on the edge of the cascade, close enough to almost reach over and touch the water, I remember thinking, “How could anyone deny a Creator after seeing this?” I stood, overwhelmed by the beauty of creation.
I AM the Cornerstone
Imagine for a moment that you are building a home. You have told the builders exactly what you want. You gave it a lot of thought because you knew everything your family needs, and the house plans were perfect. You have designed it for family and for hospitality. What if you went to move in and found that the builders had abandoned your plans and done what they pleased?
The I AM series
Trying to define who God is feels like trying to describe the ocean to an ant or my feelings to a mountain. It just seems impossible. However, if we dig into Scripture and learn about many traits and facets of God, we can start to form a glimpse of who God is.