My Story


I am like you. I am just a normal person.
I am a work in progress.

At age 34, I have decided to finally share my passion for writing publicly. I mostly desire to be known as someone who follows Jesus; however, I often fail. I’m a daughter, sister, teacher, friend, and writer. Seventeen years ago, I decided to stop striving to do things my way and started to seek the Lord. I’ve had to learn how to forgive and extend grace. Better than that though, I learned the hard way how deeply in need of grace I am.

My passion for writing was birthed when I was young. Journaling and poetry became my best friends. Those friends have turned into songs, letters, lessons, and social media posts. Maybe one day I’ll write a book. It is a dream book that sits on the shelf of my heart that I hope to one day take down and write, but for now, I’m here sharing my insights of life and truth with you.

Even though I’m a single woman and do not have kids, I guarantee that you and I can connect on some level. Why? Because no matter what I’ve experienced, I love people and their stories. No one laughs or cries alone in my presence.

In my opinion, the most valuable trait a person can display is a teachable spirit. I do not have it all figured out, nor do you. I want to listen, reflect, and learn from my own and others’ experiences. I’ll never stop learning. Hunger for knowledge has always run deep in my veins; the wisdom of applying it has come much later in life though.

People are my passion. I hope you leave my presence encouraged and challenged. I want to leave everyone better than I found them.

So why Writely Divide?

Besides the fact that I appreciate a well-placed pun, I wanted my blog to be about anything and everything that is on my heart and mind. In doing that, I want to make sure Christ is at the center rather than me. I want to do my best to ensure I am “rightly dividing the word of truth” with each post. I am certain I will miss the mark at times, but I am devoted to giving my best to produce content that isn’t out of context or misleading. My perspective is mine, but the Word of God is His, and I want to make sure I am clear about what is my opinion and what is absolutely true.

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15