World-changing Character
If someone asked you what your favorite character quality is in another person, do you know what you’d say? Single people get asked this question often. “What is the most important quality you’re looking for in a future spouse?” But it doesn’t have to be just about a mate. What is the most attractive trait any other person can possess in your opinion?
Without a doubt, I can rattle off several things I love about people, but my most valued characteristic is definitely a teachable spirit. Sure, I love a good sense of humor and a person who is kind. Who doesn’t? But a teachable heart and spirit ranks higher than anything in my book.
First, I ought to define teachable spirit. Simply stated, a person who has a teachable spirit has the disposition to learn and grow throughout his or her life.
Why do I regard this quality above the rest? Because humility and trustworthiness work in tandem to create this trait in a person.
Arrogant people do not admit fault, misunderstanding, or ignorance. They act as if they have “arrived” and couldn’t possibly be wrong about something or have any more to learn on a topic. This is prevalent in our culture. I, too, have been guilty at times of only following accounts on Instagram that I agree with or hanging out with people who think just like me. And don’t get me wrong. I actually think that there can be value in that sometimes. We want to put ourselves and our children around positive influences rather than be constantly bombarded by messages that do not line up with our beliefs. However, when people admit they have more to learn (and not because they will get “canceled” or because someone told them they need to), they become students - hopefully of God’s Word, His heart and ways, other people, and the world around us. There is a humility in learning, in admitting that you do not know it all.
This is a touchy subject because our culture wants to scream at others, telling them they need to “get woke” and accept the messages the world preaches. Hear this - learning about someone does not mean agreeing with him or her. Understanding something does not mean supporting it. Learning and understanding do yield compassion. I believe as we seek God and study the Bible, our hearts should change. We should be moved to compassion for others. We should care about those who think differently than us. When we listen to others and learn about them, we begin to care about them regardless of whether we would cosign on their beliefs or choices.
God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. James 4:6 NIV
I am attracted to humility in people. I am attracted to truth-seekers. Well-rounded individuals who seek to know more and admit when they do not have all of the answers are quite enjoyable people to be around. They appreciate and respect others around them and are willing to listen and learn from people who are different or flawed. The key to this is for someone to take what they learn, search it out on their own, and then make adjustments as the Holy Spirit leads. It is not for anyone else to determine what another person’s response to new information or learning should be.
Secondly, teachable people naturally become more trustworthy people. When I know someone is paying attention, listening, learning, and growing, I am more apt to trust their opinion, advice, and actions than someone who is arrogant and stuck in his or her own ways. This is especially important in a spouse in my opinion. I want to be able to trust that when we do not see eye to eye, we are both seeking the Lord and listening to one another and willing to learn and grow together. That is someone I can trust. I aim to be that trustworthy for others as well.
I am sensitive to this issue, especially in the church, because I see so many Christians that lack this characteristic. I see many Christians who defend opinions and ideas that do not line up with God’s heart as revealed in the Bible. They hold on with all their might to ideologies that Jesus himself would probably have run from. And it absolutely damages the world’s relationship with the church. Worse even, it damages many Christians’ relationship with the church, which is why I believe so many people are leaving Christianity and the fellowship of believers.
If we want to be Jesus to the world around us, we must be teachable people - people that seek out truth even if it goes against ideas we have always held onto. The important thing is that our source of truth comes from God’s Word. And we must be students and doers of God’s Word. We cannot change the world until we first change ourselves, which will yield a change in our churches. We must stop burying our heads in the sand and screaming at others to leave us alone. Rather, we ought to be running to them. Jesus certainly did. He helped and hung out with people who were living very different lives from what He would’ve approved of. And when He was showing love, lives were changed. The world was changed.
I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. John 14:12 NLT
Read that again. Jesus said we would do greater things. We should be, but are we holding up our end of the deal? Are we doing this?
Here are some Bible verses to consider:
but examine everything; hold firmly to that which is good. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 NASB
Examine your heart, your motives, and what beliefs you hold to. Search it out in God’s Word. Find out if what you say you believe matches how you live. Find out if what you say you believe is even biblical. You might find that you have planted your flag on extra-biblical traditions or ideologies that were never intended by God. It doesn’t mean that those things are all bad in and of themselves, but they certainly aren’t worth defending.
We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NLT
Are you the proud obstacle? Am I? We must capture our own rebellious thoughts, not others’, and make them obedient to Christ.
Here is the same verse in another translation:
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 ESV
What lofty opinion might you have that needs to be destroyed? Turn this on yourself rather than on others. If we can tear down our own idols and lofty opinions, I guarantee it will have an effect on the world around us. We need obedience to Christ, but we have to know Christ in order to obey Him. We have to know what He says and what He thinks, and we cannot let social media influencers, preachers in the pulpit, or anyone else be the only source of revealing this. We must go to God’s Word and spend time in prayer getting to know our Savior.
To wrap up, what kind of character is world-changing? The humble and trustworthy character of a teachable spirit. One that realizes God the Father is infinitely smarter than people, so we have much to learn by sitting at His feet.
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25 NIV